My software

I have made a few programs which can be used in different applications. This page presents them. Most of these programs are open-source, code is distributed on a GPL license.

I started my programming with Turbo Pascal, then C, then Delphi, then C++, with some small scripts in Perl (yes, with GUI too), Bash and Windows' batch files. Programs supplied here are written in C++ with Qt as the main library. Some older ones are in Delphi.

To find what I'm working with in my free time, you can look at my GitHub repositories. You will find some ideas, unfinished programs and reverse engineering notes there.


Jump to: ICTester FTD ROM Tools RANTS
Bitmap Font Editor T64EMP EPadRecovery Small tools


Perl scripts and other small programs


Digital IC Tester software

An open-source software for Digital IC Tester from Everyday Practical Electronics, October 2002 (project by Joe Farr). Runs on Linux and Windows. The software can be used as a GUI application or as command-line program for batch or automated testing. Contains test sheet editor, configuration and visualization of pin states, ROM tools and IC type identifier (experimental). Doesn't draw plot (yet).
Additional hints and test sheets for other circuits are accessible too.


Details, documentation and downloads

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FTD (Fast Text Downloader aka Burst Mode)
A software which helps to "read" any text faster by displaying one word, or x words (chunk) a time, "transmitting" text with specified word rate. This allows to quickly read quite large articles or publications, maybe not to get a full understanding but certainly to get basic idea what is it about. Highly configurable (text font/size/color, background color/texture/align, adding time to longer chunks, color morphing), Qt-based, GPL code (but buggy and full of terrible hacks).

I've made the first version of FTD (Fast Text Downloader) in Pascal in 2003, it was working in DOS window or VGA screen using Figlet-like fonts or Pascal's bitmap fonts. Later, I've re-written it in Delphi and shared quite hermetically (MITK FTD, TC/TSG FTD, later revised as GGPFTD after MITK-TSG splitting, later "Burst Mode 0.5"). In 2013/14 I decided to re-write it in something useful (Qt) using Burst Mode 0.8's code as a base and GPL the code.

If it displays black on black, use Text Color (TC) to fix it. Make sure that srrc.ini configuration file is writable. In Windows it's in program's directory, in Linux it's in ~/.srrc.ini, the structure is the same.

  Windows (EXE), it needs Qt4 Libraries (Part 1, Part 2) too,

  Source code (or older version)

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ROM Tools   [20140328]
These are small tools I've written to help dealing with ROM dumps/images of any kind.

- ROMCheck - Checks ROM image for:
> Stuck zeros/ones- bad data lines
> Duplicated halves, duplicated parts - bad address lines
> Chunks full of the same characters / patterns.
> Strings/literals in files - dumps them as hex editor. Can print only strings of specified minimal length with allowed non-literal "exceptions" of custom length.
It prints the information on console as a report.
- hexcat - displays file like HEX editor does.
- interlace/deinterlace - interlaces/deinterlaces ROM files to use in EVEN/ODD set-up.
- roundTo - Fills ROM image with speicfied content to soecified size (as number, nearest multiply, nearest power).
All these programs work from command line usingparameters. Run a program without parameters to get information about usage.

Windows (EXE)

Source code - Builds in CodeBlocks IDE. Works and builds even under Linux, as it uses simple C++ functions, some POSIX (getopt).

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RANTS (MCbx version)     [20140328]
RANTS (Remotely Accessible Note Taking System) was a small program written in PHP and MySQL to keep small notes on a server. It was written in 2006 by Eric O'Callaghan, but his web site looks dead now and it's hard to get RANTS source.

This is a modified version of original RANTS, these modifications involve:
- Notes may be maximum 8192 characters long.
- Characters '<' and '>' may be used in notes. No HTML there.
- Each note may have space-separated tags, notes may be filtered by them. If no tags are used, it automatically gets "General" tag.
- Dividing into pages finally works, so there's no note limit.

Requirements: MySQL database, PHP server, maybe SMTP. Multiuser mode not much tested as I've used it to store my personal notes from administrator's account, but it *SHOULD* work.

Read README for installation details. After installation theme may be changed by editing CSS file and images.

Source code - may be installed on a server.

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Bitmap Font Editor (HGCFEU) [2012]

A small program which allows to edit bitmap fonts in ROM dumps of many computers, video cards or devices. CGA, Hercules, MDA, Commodore and few other computers are supported. Not stable but works :).

Created as font viewer/editor for Hercules fonts, it was later extended more to support other standards including 8-bit microcomputers (Commodore PET, VIC, 16, 64, 128, Meritum, Cobra) and simple terminal devices with factury-pressed ROMs (MCY7304NAx).

This program is written in C#, so it requires at least Windows XP and .NET Framework. It probably won't work with Windows 98. After finishing it I decided not to go into C#.

WARNING: Source code lost in 2013. Binary only.

Details, downloads

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TEMP - T64 Extraction / Manipulation Program

Version: 0.96 (2009)

Utility to manipulate T64 files. There are some front-ends for DOS programs related to C64, such as PUCrunch or Tape64, it can also convert C64 pictures to Commodore 64 executables (PRG).
If you do the hardware modifications with connecting C2N to PC, you can make your own C64 mixtapes!

WARNING: Source code lost in 2013. Binary only. Written in Delphi so it works even in Windows 98.

Latest version (Windows EXE)

Extract-only version (screen)

Front-ends only

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Version: 0.0.1

Simple utility to recover unsaved files from EditPad 3.x.
Running in Win95 makes some troubles with column refreshing, but it will work (as EditPad works with Win95).

Widows EXE

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Small utilities:

This small program virtually presses PLAY key on multimedia keyboard, which is quite rare on typical notebook's multimedia keyboards. Needed when PLAY/PAUSE key only launches notebook vendor's application and can't be reconfigured to be functional in, for example, foobar2000.
Windows EXE

TIP Loader
This program allows to run TIP (diagnostics utility from after 1st of January 2010. TIP has a timebomb which makes it unusable after 1.01.2010, and author won't release a version without it (according to my e-mails with GRC). This program must be placed in a directory with TIP.EXE, and TIP should be launched by running this small program. It works even in my 486 ProVeisa with Windows 95, so it will go on old computer with ZIP drive without any software or hardware modifications.
Windows EXE

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