Old Computer-related pictures and photos
» Apple
Apple Mac mini
[9 pictures]
Apple Mac Mini (2005 model)
Macintosh Classic
[11 pictures]
Macintosh Classic
Macintosh IIfx
[19 pictures]
Macintosh IIfx
Macintosh IIvi
[9 pictures]
Macintosh LC475
[15 pictures]
Macintosh LC475 or Performa 475
Macintosh LC630
[19 pictures]
Macintosh LC630
Macintosh Plus
[28 pictures]
Macintosh Plus
Macintosh SE
[19 pictures]
Macintosh SE
Macintosh Server G3
[12 pictures]
Macintosh Server G3
Performa 5260
[22 pictures]
Macintosh Performa 5260CD
Performa 6400
[8 pictures]
Macintosh Performa 6400/200
Power Mac 7220 200
[13 pictures]
Power Macintosh 7220/200 (ex-PC Compatible)
Power Mac 9600 350
[20 pictures]
Power Macintosh 9600/350
Power Mac G3
[14 pictures]
Power Macintosh G3 Blue&White 300MHz
Power Mac G3 AIO
[15 pictures]
Power Macintosh G3 All-in-one
Power Mac G4
[16 pictures]
Power Macintosh G4 (450MHz)
Power Mac G4 Cube
[19 pictures]
Power Macintosh G4 Cube
Power Mac G4 MDD
[9 pictures]
Power Macintosh G4 MDD (2003)
Power Mac G4 Quicksilver
[15 pictures]
Power Macintosh G4 Quicksilver 733MHz
Power Macintosh 6100
[10 pictures]
Power Macintosh 6100
Power Macintosh 7300
[12 pictures]
Power Macintosh 7300/166
Power Macintosh 9500
[20 pictures]
Power Macintosh 9500 with CPU and graphics upgrades.
Power Macintosh G3
[14 pictures]
Power Macintosh G3 (desktop)
Power Macintosh G5
[22 pictures]
Power Macintosh G5
Powerbook 165c
[14 pictures]
Macintosh Powerbook 165c
Quadra 650
[10 pictures]
Macintosh Quadra 650
Quadra 700
[13 pictures]
Macintosh Quadra 700
Quadra 800
[10 pictures]
Macintosh Quadra 800
Quadra 950
[23 pictures]
Macintosh Quadra 950
Workgroup Server 8150
[10 pictures]
Power Macintosh Workgroup Server 8150
eMac 700MHz
[17 pictures]
eMac 700MHz
iMac G3 233MHz
[19 pictures]
iMac G3 233MHz Bondi blue
iMac G3 500MHz
[13 pictures]
iMac G3 500MHz (slot-loading)
iMac G4 Flat Panel
[7 pictures]
iMac G4 Flat Panel 15"
iMac G5
[10 pictures]
Apple iMac G5
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