General View

Side view - keyboard connector visible

Front name print

Keyboard detail

Front of CPU

Rear: Power supply with monitor power, 2 fuses and AC in, FDD connector, display, V24 and printer connectors in bottom line.

Type plate.

Back sticker

Inside general view.

Floppy disk drive with controller

FDDs are Robotron too.

FDD controller - based on TTL chips and 2x 8255s.

FDD controller general view

Mainboard - general view

Mainboard - detail

Inside: CPU, ROM, system bus and IO logic.

Display circuits

Glue logic.

64K of RAM

Inside keyboard, there's second microcomputer.

Power supply inside.

New Robotron and old one.

Notice its strange display circuit

Soviet RAM in ceramic housings looks good.

Fixed FDD controller board (PIO, logic and Schreib-ROM changed)

Inside CRT display

That's how it boots.

Disk catalogue program

Text editor


Database with sample "Customers" file

Database shell

Game: Maze. 3D :)

Racing game in text mode.

How about Zork?

Repairing Robotrons.
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